
Solair Wilshire Unit 2210 出售在洛杉磯 Wilshire Center/Koreatown Presented by DLXco

上市狀況: 出售

上次更新: 2017/04/14

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Solair Wilshire Unit No: 2210

3785 Wilshire Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90010

報價是: HK$5,107,250

销售的价格: HK$5,107,250

業主協會費: HK$5,782/個月

出售日期: 2012/11/13


上市價格/SQM: HK$41,055.06

销售的价格/SQM: HK$41,055.06

上市天數: 149

臥室: 2

浴室: 2

SQM: 124.40

允許寵物: 是

洗衣間: Electric Dryer Hookup,在衣柜里,內

停車位: 2

Mills Act: 不是

生活/工作: 不是

*外匯匯率:$ 1美元: HK$7.75 獲取信息: 2012/11/13 23:59:59 (GMT-06:00/07:00)(美國和加拿大)。


More than an address, Solair is a prestigious landmark in a thriving neighborhood where east meets west. Just 15 minutes from Beverly Hills, Downtown, and Hollywood. Other views, floorplans, and price points available.

建造: KOAR Wilshire Western, LLC & MTA - 2008

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列表由 Janis Randazzo 。Strategic Sales & Mkt. Grp.Inc


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