1100 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90017
報價是: HK$15,183
销售的价格: HK$15,183
出售日期: 2011/03/03
上市價格/SQM: HK$220.84
租賃價格/SQM: HK$220.84
上市天數: 6
臥室: 1
浴室: 1
SQM: 68.75
允許寵物: 是
洗衣間: 內
停車位: 2
Mills Act: 不是
生活/工作: 是
*外匯匯率:$ 1美元: HK$7.79 獲取信息: 2011/03/03 23:59:59 (GMT-06:00/07:00)(美國和加拿大)。
Live above L.A. in this 30th Floor condo with expansive views that will take your eyes on a journey, from the Staples Center to the ocean. You will be the envy of your friends as you walk to work by day and invite them over at night to share the enjoyment of the 17th Story Sky Deck, which boasts a heated pool, large hot tub, private party area, pool-side cabanas, and a fire pit with wrap-around seating; all this while enjoying amazing views of downtown LA..
建造: 1986
現代化: Forest City Residential, RAD Management, LLC & TMG Partners - 2006
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